Artemis Consulting, Inc.

In between projects, I had a bit of bandwidth and I decided to work on Artemis' website redesign. I had worked about a decade with Congressional vendors and somehow I thought I could translate that style to their website since they are contractors with the Federal Government.

I worked on three different versions (as you can see below all the comps for this project). I was quite happy with them and could not wait to show them to the President and CEO of the company. They were super happy, but unbeknownst to me, Artemis' website is a Drupal template. Therefore, they were limited on how to change it. I offered to help, but it was up to the developers to do that. 

The end result is that they had to keep the Drupal template and we were not able to proceed. Nonetheless, I stay behind this design and I am proud to show it on my portfolio.